Show SKU in Cart Module - Ubercart

Create a folder in your modules directory named uc_show_sku and add these files.

; $Id$
name = Show SKU
description = Add SKU column to Product and Cart tables
dependencies[] = uc_show_sku
core = 6.x
package = "Ubercart - core (optional)"


function custom_module_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
    if ($form_id == 'uc_cart_view_form') {
    //Add the Titles in the table header row
    $form['items']['#columns']['model']['cell'] = 'SKU';
    $form['items']['#columns']['desc']['cell'] = 'Description';
    //Now I am moving around the columns by adjusting the weight
    $form['items']['#columns']['remove']['weight'] = 0;
    $form['items']['#columns']['image']['weight'] = 1;
    $form['items']['#columns']['model']['weight'] = 2;
    $form['items']['#columns']['desc']['weight'] = 3;
    $form['items']['#columns']['qty']['weight'] = 4;
    $form['items']['#columns']['total']['weight'] = 5;
    //There are 6 fields in this array other than the cart items, so I loop through and don't account for those 6
            //Get the info from node_load
            $form['items'][$i]['model']['#value'] = node_load($form['items'][$i]['nid']['#value'])->model . ": "; // Load the SKU from the product node